Friday, June 24, 2016

Lightworkers Arise

Since October of 2015, I have been totally focused on my project of making a spiritual magazine, the first of its kind, in Panama.  Its name Lightworkers Arise.  This all started in June when I went to Hawaii.  I felt so compelled to start my work in Angel Therapy when I got back home.  I had it stuck in my head that this was my life purpose and what I was meant to do.  So I studied, took many courses with Doreen Virtue and prepared myself for this new adventure.  I started off by giving free readings to people online and got a lot of experience doing that.  It was a wonderful period where I got in touch with a lot of people.  I was focused on doing this as a side job to my current job working in the family company.  I would find purpose and meaning in doing this.

I read many books about Angel Therapy and one of the books said that one of the ways that you can market yourself is through spiritual magazines.  I realized that there were no spiritual magazines in Panama, and so I decided that I would create one!  I told my sister and my father one day at lunch: "Hey you guys, I'm going to make a magazine!"  They were like: "Oh that's nice" hahaha.  I guess it was too big of a project to see it actually happening at that time.  But I was determined.

I started to gather people to be writers for my magazine and share with them my vision.  Everything flowed perfectly.  I was lead from person to person making more and more contacts.  I already knew what I wanted the magazine to be about because I had these important subjects in my head that I wanted to develop on my Angel Therapy Facebook, and so I decided that they were good to use as subjects of a magazine.  It was a perfect fit.

And so I began to gather all the articles for the magazine.  At the time my mom was in her last stages of cancer before she died in November.  My magazine was what held me together.  It kept me focused on something positive.  I dedicated my first magazine to my mom and I felt very proud of it when it came out in January 2016.  It was my baby and I had put so much love into it.  Although I was worried because I hadn't got any people to invest in ad space, but I was sure that would change for the second edition.

In the meantime, I was kept very busy with all the clients that I got from people being interested in my article about How Angels came into my Life.  They felt identified with it and so I started to attend many people in therapy.  This was a very gratifying and beautiful experience.  I focused on doing these therapies for the first few months of the year, knowing that I would have to refocus on the magazine once again in March.  This was when I started to ask people if they were interested in writing for my magazine again.  I had all the topics I wanted to write about in my head once again.  And so I began the process of the second magazine.

This magazine wasn't the same as the first one.  I didn't feel the same passion as I did with the first one.  It was difficult to be motivated and there were a lot more hurdles in the way of getting the magazine out on time for May.  But I pushed through and got it done.  The magazines just arrived a few weeks ago and we started to distribute them this week.

I worked really hard at getting investors for this edition of my magazine and even threw a party for the launching of the magazine to get people more acquainted with its purpose.  I invested a lot of time and money in making the magazine successful.  Sadly, I wasn't able to get many investors and had the cost of the party on top of things which put a huge dent in my bank account.  I went through some very tough times where I wasn't sure if I was going to have the money to pay my bills.  It was terrible going through financial insecurity for the first time in my life, but it was a learning experience that I will never forget.

I decided that the only way the magazine would survive would be through getting a loan.  I did all of this on my own totally focused on the success of the magazine, and preparing for future magazines where I knew it was still going to be difficult getting clients to invest in ad space.  Finally, I realized that I had to adapt to the market and that meant that my magazine would have to go online instead of in physical form.  It was a step in a positive direction, but that took me some time to adjust to, since I had so much fixated on the idea of it being a physical magazine.  But the reality is that magazines are now going online and I had to go online as well.

So I decided to give back my loan and would go forward with these new plans.  Now I am saving money and have new dreams.  I will share themwith you in a post really soon!

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